Maison de Vacances à Louer/Maison d'hotês à Carloforte Dimora Ferralasco di Daniela Ferralasco, Via I Maggio 23, Carloforte

Politique de confidentialité

Dimora Ferralasco respects the privacy of its online users and ensures that the collected data will happen in respect of the rules appliable in respect of the legislation on protection of personal data processing, and, specifically, of the new General Regulation on Data Protection (GDPR) n. 2016/679 (REGULATION afterwards). Dimora Ferralasco reminds that, given the nature of the collected data, its handling and use, it is not planned to involve the DPO (Data Protection Officer). Nevertheless, Dimora Ferralasco commits to its users to protect their data and give exhausting information in this regard.

1. Data controller and other persons involved in the processing of data

The Data Controller of the data collected through the Website is Dimora Ferralasco with registered office in Via Primo Maggio 23, Carloforte, 09014, P.IVA 03946670928 (hereinafter also referred to as the "Data Controller"), in the person of the Administrator, whom you can always contact for any information concerning your personal data or to request a complete list of appointed data processors or persons in charge of processing, who can be contacted by telephone on +39 393 6133807 or by e-mail at  

2. Data processed and purpose of processing

Through the Site, the Data Controller collects and processes different types of data, each with a specific purpose:

A. Navigation data: Data provided by the visitor to the site through navigation.

A.1 Purpose: in addition to enabling the proper functioning of the site itself, allow Dimora Ferrlasco to offer products and services specifically identified through the processing of personal data relating to preferences, habits, consumption choices, etc.. In this regard, please read the Cookie Policy on the Site itself, which governs the management of this type of data.

B. Data voluntarily provided by the user for specific services:

- Data voluntarily provided by the user to request information from Dimora Ferralasco.
- Data provided by filling in the online forms on the booking website.

B.1 Purpose: To provide the requested services and manage customer relations. They are processed only to provide the user with the services and information requested, send the user answers to requests made. The provision of data for this purpose is optional, however, failure to provide it may prevent Dimora Ferralasco to provide feedback to user requests with the consequent inability to use the services therein. The processing of such data can be carried out with the vision and acceptance by him, without the need for further consent, or through a special check box next to the button for sending the online form, where present. It may also be carried out in relation to the data you have entered in the text fields of the forms, even if you do not complete the sending procedure.

C. Data provided voluntarily by the user for further promotional, commercial and marketing purposes.
C.1 Purpose: subject to specific and informed consent of the user, the user's Data will be used by Dimora Ferralasco, both with automated methods (such as SMS, instant messaging, email, etc..) and with traditional methods (such as mail, telephone, fax and / or attachment to the invoice), for the following purposes

1) sending/communication of advertising, informative, promotional material about new products/services of Dimora Ferralasco and/or other companies controlled/controlling and/or connected to it;

2) direct sales and / or placement of products / services, facilities and promotions Dimora Ferralasco and / or other companies controlled / controlled and / or related to Dimora Ferralasco;

3) verification of the degree of satisfaction of the quality of the product/service provided, studies and statistical and market research.

3. Faculty and obligation to consent to data processing. The provision of data for the purposes indicated in paragraph 2, letter b), is compulsory for the provision of the requested service and this type of processing is authorised by you upon acknowledgement and acceptance of the Privacy Policy.  

The provision of data for the purposes indicated in letters c), same paragraph, is optional and specific consent is required for the processing of such data.

The provision of navigation data by visitors to the site is regulated in advance by a specific information notice (Cookie Policy), accessible through a banner displayed by the user when opening the site.

4. Purposes strictly related to the execution of the contract

The personal data of the CUSTOMER are in any case essential in order to allow Dimora Ferralasco and its Agents to execute the contract possibly requested, which involves the processing of data. The provision of personal data for the above purposes is compulsory and any failure to do so may jeopardize the provision of products/services requested.

5. Period of data retention and legal basis for processing

The aggregate and anonymous navigation data collected for the purposes referred to in paragraph 3 letter a) are stored in accordance with the procedures and timeframes indicated in the Cookie Policy.

Data collected to provide feedback to users will be stored for the period of time necessary to provide the feedback and/or the information and/or the service requested.

Data collected for the marketing purposes referred to in paragraph 2, letter c) will be kept for a period of time not exceeding 2 years. This period has been defined on the basis of statistical data collected by Dimora Ferralasco, regarding the propensity to purchase services from returning customers in the medium to long term.

6. Categories of data recipients

Personal data collected through the Site may be known by:

a) employees and collaborators of Dimora Ferralasco by reason of the business function carried out, who operate as subjects authorized by the Controller and duly instructed by the same;

b) employees and collaborators of controlled/controlled/connected companies of Dimora Ferralasco, always in quality of subjects authorized by the Holder and duly instructed by the same;

c) companies controlled/controlled/connected to Dimora Ferralasco;

d) third parties of which Dimora Ferralasco avails itself for consulting services and/or instrumental to the functioning/management/maintenance of the Site and/or for the provision of web services; call centers; marketing and advertising companies and market research.

The categories of persons referred to in points (c) and (d) process personal data as data processors appointed by the Data Controller.

7. Methods of data processing

The treatment takes place primarily with the help of computer / telematics or, if necessary, with manual procedures and in any case with the adoption of precautions and safeguards to prevent misuse or improper disclosure of data. The data will be processed by Dimora Ferralasco and by the designated "Persons in charge of the processing" who have received adequate operational instructions. Some data processing may also be carried out by staff of companies controlled/controlling/connected to Dimora Ferralasco and by third parties to which Dimora   Ferralasco entrusts certain activities for the purposes listed in paragraph 2, letter b) (purposes related to the execution of the contract) and, with the consent of the Client, for the further purposes of paragraph 2, letter c) (promotional, commercial, and marketing purposes). The consent of the CUSTOMER will therefore also concern the activities and processing carried out by the aforementioned subjects. In this case the same subjects will act as "Data Processors or Persons in Charge of Processing". Regarding the management of data relating to letter a), please refer to the Cookie Policy.

8. Modalities of communication

The processing of data carried out for the purposes indicated in paragraph 2, may follow traditional or automated methods, where traditional means the use of standard means of communication (telephone call by operator, paper mail, etc..) and automated means the use of automated systems of call or call communication without the intervention of an operator, e-mail, fax, MMS or SMS messages or other tools guided by special sending software.

It is your specific right to choose your preferred method of communication, and to object selectively or completely to the receipt of promotional messages through channels that you do not like and/or that you consider to be annoying. This right, which is part of the broader provisions of Article 7 of the Privacy Code and the new European Regulations, may be exercised by you by simply notifying the Data Controller.

9. Exercise of rights (Article 7 of the Privacy Code and Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 and 21 of the Regulations):

By virtue of the provisions of art. 7 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 No. 196 and Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 and 21 of the Regulation, the user or customer concerned has the right to know, at any time, with a request made without formality to Dimora Ferralasco, what are his data and how they are used. He/she also has the right to have them updated, supplemented, corrected, or deleted, to request their blocking, to object to their processing and, in the cases provided for by law, to request their portability. The right to object may always be exercised with regard to commercial and advertising material, direct sales or market research, specific methods of communication. In other cases, opposition presupposes a legitimate reason. The data controller is Dimora Ferralasco with registered office in Carloforte, via Primo Maggio 23, 09014, VAT 03946670928. in the person of the  Administrator, domiciled at the same registered office of the Company, who can be contacted by e- mail at or by telephone at 393 6133807.